
Life doesn’t always make sense. I don’t have a problem understanding why bad things happen to some people. They make unwise choices and unpleasant consequences follow. But when something tragic happens to someone who has done all the right things? That’s a difficult pill to swallow.

It’s in those times that I find myself struggling and frustrated. I want to understand and can’t. I want to control and can’t. I work harder and harder to understand and control only to find that in doing so I have less peace and joy.

But what would happen if I stop controlling and instead start entrusting?


* to confer a trust on; to deliver something in trust to
* to commit to another with confidence
*assign the responsibility for doing something to (someone).
*put (something) into someone’s care or protection

What would happen if I entrust that which I don’t understand and that which I hold dear to the Maker of the Universe? What if I relinquish my need for control and instead entrust my dreams, desires and my loved ones to the one who created and birthed them all? Do I not believe He is trustworthy? Do I not believe He is capable?

Queen Esther entrusted herself and a nation to God and went before the worldly king to plead for her people. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego entrusted themselves to God and entered the fiery furnace confident that no matter the outcome their lives were in God’s hands.  Jesus Christ entrusted Himself to the Father as He hung on the cross, and brought salvation to the world.

Today may you and I humbly approach the throne and entrust that which we hold so dear to the faithful One. May we entrust our loved ones, our dreams and even our lives to our beautiful Creator. It’s in the entrusting that we find lasting peace and joy.

He is faithful. He is trustworthy. He is able.

Unhindered…live the masterpiece!





Just For Today

Happy New Year!

With the new year comes the natural opportunity to assess what ‘things’ in my life I need to work on. As I compile my list it is easy for me to feel overwhelmed. There seems to be much to work on this year!

I feel the pull to tear the list up and embrace the que sere sere, whatever will be, will be attitude. But I really don’t want to be the same person next year that I am today.  I want to continually grow and be a better version of me.

As I ponder what to do, I am reminded of a list I compiled years ago after listening to leadership guru John Maxwell. In his teaching, Mr. Maxwell talked about what he does each day to ensure he is heading the direction he wants to go and developing the values in his life that are important to him and to God. He has a just for today’ list of 12 attributes he speaks over his life each day that keep him focused on what is important. I think it’s time for me to put this into practice once again!

For example, instead of saying , “This year I am going to be more generous.”,  say, “Just for today I am more generous.” The focus is on today not the year. A year at a time can be hard to handle and overwhelming but a day at a time is doable.

So what are 12 things you want most out of life this year? What character traits are in need of some nourishment and growth?  Here are a few of mine.


Just for today:

I have a positive Godly attitude.

“Your attitude should be the same as Christ Jesus: who being in the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant.” Phil.2:5-7

I have a grateful and thankful heart.

“Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever.” Psalm 136:1


This year let’s have lofty goals but take life a day at a time.  For,  just for today turns into weeks of just for today that turn into months of just for today that turn into a year of just for today that result in positive Godly change.


Unhindered….just for today…live the Masterpiece!!




Timing Is Everything

Are  you are like me? You hate being late but you also hate waiting. I get agitated if I am not at my destination 5 minutes before the appointed time but once that 5 minutes is up, the scheduled time has arrived, and I’m still waiting? Well, let’s just say I can get pretty opinionated on the efficiency of the establishment or the character of the person I am waiting on. Could it be that I have control issues? Hmm…

The truth is, in life, timing isn’t something we can always control. Sure we have goals and deadlines and acceptable standards of conduct in relationships but how often do we wish things to move at a different pace; sometimes faster, sometimes slower? How often do we throw in the towel and simply give up because the fruit of our labor isn’t coming in the timely manner we desire?

Yes, there are seasons when we need to readjust or even quit but how often do we give up simply because we are weary because we don’t see the results when we thought we should see the results?

But what if our timing isn’t everything? What if it’s not about us? What if we never see and reap the fruit we desire in our lifetime? What if we are sowing seeds that a generation yet to be born will harvest?

Today let us dream and set goals. Let us do and implement. Let us engage and interact. But let us never forget that there is One who sees the whole and times things beautifully if we let Him.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up!” Galatians 6:9

Do not grow weary brave one. We may or may not see the harvest this side of eternity, but make no mistake about it, we will see the harvest. This is our heritage. Timing is everything if timing is the Lord’s!

Unhindered…live the masterpiece!